Sunday, 13 December 2015

Ideology and binary opposition

The most significant binary opposition is between the two of them. Nigel Farage and Russell Brand are complete opposites, they both hold very strong political views and beliefs, therefore they naturally compel off one another. Even down to they way they look, they are polar opposites. Brand points out that Farage is from a more privileged background and possibly be why he hold such views on immigrants as his social class has influenced this. He also points out that he, directing to the man in the audience, 'comes from the same community that you come from' this is makes a connection with the audience. A women also stands up and points out that Farage has these racial views because he has 'rich banker friends' and therefore is one of them. 

In this clip, many ideologies are expressed, these ideologies can either oppose the majority or reinforce the majorityFarage reinforces the ideology that immigrants are viewed in a negative light. While Brand opposes this negative stereotype. Brand reinforces the ideology that all white middle class men do is sit in the pub drinking and having a fag.

The most significant binary opposition in this clip is between Katie Hopkins and Katie Waissel. Both have very strong views about tattoos and whether tattooed celebs are a bad role model for the younger generation. Again, even their appearance and the way they are dressed is very different. Also, Wassiel is much younger than Hopkins, who has children, which could influence her views on tattoos. Furthermore, Hopkins seems to be dominating the debate and can come across as quite arrogant and overpowering. Whereas Wassiel takes a much calmer approach to getting her options across, whilst still being respectful towards Hopkins. 

In this clip Hopkins reinforces the ideology that tattoos are seen as tacky and celebs with tattoos set a bad image for young people. Whilst Waissel challenges this view and argues that tattoos are not graffiti but body art.

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