Monday, 29 February 2016

MEST1 Section B: A Field In England

A film distributor’s marketing campaign is very significant to the films success as without effective distribution, film product rarely finds an audience.

The distributor’s challenge for a film launch can thus be crudely summarised as:
1. identifying the film’s audience
2. estimating revenue potential across all platforms
3. building awareness and maintaining interest 
4. persuading exhibitors to present the film
5. persuading the audience to watch it.

This campaign is complex and costly work, involving thorough research and creativity. A Field in England’s unique approach to distribution certainly generated media interest and debate. clearly A Field in England is offering a first glimpse into the future for certain kinds of film. A Field in England added value to its purchase by having a live Q&A event followed the Ritzy Picturehouse screening in Brixton, London and was shown live to the other Picturehouse venues. A Field in England made a comfortable £21,399 over its opening weekend and played to sold-out crowds at some key inner-city venues. Field in England was also the number one trending topic on Twitter.

How was A Field In England’s release different to typical film releases?
It was different as it used a simultaneous release – in cinemas, on DVD and all the rest- instead of a staggered release. 

What are the advantages to releasing the film across all platforms on the same day?
The advantages is that it creates controversy and hypes up the films release as it is different to the mainstream/typical way of releasing a film. This means that audiences will find this interesting and either watch it at the cinema or buy it on DVD or Blu-ray or even on TV.
What are the disadvantages to this approach?
The disadvantages is that the audience wont react to its controversial release as planned and resort to a cheaper way of watching the film, such as TV, therefore the film wont make as much profit/revenue as people wont go and watch it at the cinema or buy it on dvd etc.
What target audience would A Field In England be aimed at? Demographics and Psychographics.
The target audience would be mainly middle-class as it is an independent art house film which attracts an ABC1 type of audience. In terms of psychographics groups succeeder's would be attracted to this film as they are part of a higher management. 

Do you think all films in future will be released across all platforms simultaneously in future?

Yes, I think it is more effective as people download illegal copies anyway therefore the company will make more profit this way.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Ill Manors e-media: website analysis

1.What examples can you find of the Ill Manors brand on the Ill Manors website homepage screengrab above?
The ill manors logo is seen on the left corner of the website, which is an iconic image as it is seen across many of the different types of media platforms such as the trailer, the album, film posers, dvd etc. There is also a hashtag that creates an interaction between the audiences.

2.How does the website encourage the audience to buy or interact with Ill Manors products?
On the top of the page in capitals it notes 'on blu-ray, dvd, download and on-demand now' which instantly attracts the readers attention. 

3.What links does the website offer? There are links to some of the social media accounts of Ill Manors namely, 'Facebook and 'Twitter'. There are also links to the Ill Manors film poster as well as an article about Plan B. There also links to being able to buy the Ill Manors dvd. 

4.What examples of synergy can you find between the website homepage and the print/broadcast platforms? As weather can present the characters' mood, the overcast weather shows how they are angry. This links to Plan B's ted lecture because he talks about youth reacting in violence because of their anger to the government. This violence could also be seen with the use of props as one of the characters is holding gun, thus showing violence.

5.List the links to social media on the website homepage. Why are these important?  Twitter and Facebook. The links to social media are important because of the target audience of this film. As the target audience of this film are youth, social media would be vital because majority of users online are youth.  

Ill Manors: e-media off-site research

How many 'likes' has the Ill Manors film page had?
In total, the Ill Manors Facebook page has 31,590 likes.

What is the top of the page promoting?
The header for the Facebook page promotes the DVD / Blu Ray of the film.

Choose five of the posts on the page's wall, screen grab them and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manor's target audience.

This would appeal to fans of Plan Bs music as it allows them to follow Plan B's music career as well as his production of the Ill Manors film.

This would appeal to the audience again as it features the new singles of Plan B. This is important as it allows the audience to become almost a part of Plan B's journey to success.

This would appeal to the audience again as it features a well known comedy show. This is important as it allows the audience to become almost a part of Plan B's journey to success through the comedic aspect of the Jonathan Ross show. 

This would appeal to the audience again as it features the personal opinions of Plan B. This is important as it allows the audience to become almost a part of Plan B's person experiences and gives a voice to the voiceless.

Find three examples of synergy with other platforms (links to broadcast clips or newspaper/magazine articles). Explain how each one promotes the film.
One example would be the synergy of the DVD and Blu Ray copies of the movie, using the Facebook page helps promote the audience to buy the dvd and contributes towards the overall success of the film, another use of synergy would be Plan B as an artist and his album, the page promotes his shows and new music

Find three examples on the Facebook wall of opportunities for user generated content or audience interaction (e.g. a question that invites people to comment or a competition to enter).
The BFI competition is one example. It that helps youth make a film by the same institution that made ill manors. Another example is by sharing the ill manors music video and this helps the audience comment and interact as they ask "is ill manors the anthem of the year", which creates a discussion for the audience. 

Find three examples of the Facebook page cross-promoting the soundtrack or DVD release.The Facebook page uses the stream of the album launch to promote along side images of the party, they also use many posters of the album to help promote.

Find the Twitter graffiti campaign link on the Facebook wall and screengrab it.

How did the institution use the Facebook page to promote the film's release in May/June 2012?
They kept on posting about it, reminding followers about the event and used a countdown technique with new articles, interviews and exclusive links for whoever followed the countdown to the film, this helped keep the audience anticipated.

Ill Manors Twitter feed

How does the Ill Manors Twitter feed use the Ill Manors brand to promote the film?
The twitter feed uses hash tags to promote itself. This is important as it allows the audience to engage through the global use of a hash tag. Also, this means that they are able to contact the makers of the movie and be direct with their views on the film. Likewise, they include all types of tweets from social related and film related perspectives.

What hash tags are used on the Ill Manors Twitter feed?
#iLLMANORS, #ravearama and #realmovie. These all show the 
public reception to the movie, which allows the audience to get an impression on what the film is about. Likewise, it allows the audience to become a part of the film itself which makes it all the more exciting to watch, as ponder on whether the tweets are a true representative of the movie.

Find three celebrities the Ill Manors Twitter feed re-tweeted to promote the film and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.
@Leeallen80 who plays Chris in Ill Manors, a protagonist is used to promote the film through the re-tweet as he shows the 
three characters used to show the childhood and growing up of his character. This is important as it makes the movie seem much more planned, as it is important to get the look of the characters similar. This appeals to the audience of Stugglers and Reformers as it allows them to see the change they can make. Likewise, it shows that the social realism genre is important to think and interpret before judging. 

How has the Ill Manors Twitter feed used pictures to help promote the film?
The images used include shots of filming, shots at events and even shots from the personal accounts of Plan B and Lee Allen. This is important as it allows the audience to feel a relation between them and the film. This is important ingenerating success for the film as it allows the audience to decide whether they are a fan of the genre and film, and whether the are able to become a part of the Ill Manors fan base. The shots of the event allow the audience to become included in the film as it is a public event that can be attended by any person, therefore targeting all audience types.

Find examples of the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in the Ill Manors Twitter feed and explain how they help to target the right audience for the film.
This tweet would both target the youth but also the older generation who hold prejudice against the youth. This is most prominently the resigned and the reformers as it is condemning the actions that the government outline in the UK, as they don't believe they speak the truth. This is similar to the TEDx talk we watched as Plan B also spoke about the lies we are fed and made to believe, despite it being the opposite. 

This tweet would target the same audience as the first tweet. This is because it allows the audience to voice their opinions with both the other youths and the government. 'Cameron's broken Britain' suggests that everyone is thinking the same thing when it comes to the economy and socialisation in the UK. As a result, this would alarm the people as the word 'broken' almost suggests a struggle and chaotic phase. 


This is different. This tweet suggests that the government is all to blame. This would target the elite and the succeeders as it states 'The Olympics will destroy London'. Likewise, the 'pfft to the governement' enhances the hatred that the civilians have towards the government in the UK. 

How was the Ill Manors Twitter feed used to specifically promote the release of the film (May/June 2012) and the release on DVD (October 2012)? Choose three tweets for each and explain how they effectively promote the film.
-#illMANORS OUT NOW ON BLU-RAY & DVD ★★★★★ Checking these great personal reviews! >>> @iLLManors #illmanors
This tweet, tagged with an image of the DVD cover promoted the release of the film itself as it allowed the audience to know when the film was being released. This is important as it educated the audience on when the film was available for purchase and this perhaps could have increased the number of sales done.

-Blu Ray, DVD and download #ILLMANORS The fact that the film has been placed on three other platforms makes it seem like there is more variety. Likewise, the film is also eligible for download, which is a platform that most individuals use, as the technology for television is very high nowadays.

This tweet is important in promoting the film as it counts down the days in which the film is released. This is important as it allows the audience to follow up what is happening within the distribution of the movie, and can make more people generate success for the film itself.

How has Ill Manors used the Instagram platform to promote Ill Manors?
Ill Manors used the platform of Instagram to promote their brand by generating a hashtag on Twitter, that fed through to Instagram. This generates publicity as people with friends on Instagram can see the hashtag and join the trend.

Choose three particular images/posts and explain why they are effective in promoting the film.

This picture posted on Instagram is effective in promoting the film, as it is the film soundtrack also made and produced by Plan B. In particular, this allows for the audience to become more interested in the soundtrack as well as gain an incite into what is in the film.

This image is equally effective as it promotes the purchasing of the DVD. As you can see someone who posted the image brought the film captioning 'pumped for this'. This is important as it a normal individual interested in the film, and it makes the audience interested. This can lead to them watching the trailer or even the movie, which is the purpose for these social media websites.

This image is effective as Ill Manors is being put into the same social realistic genre as the other three well established movies. As the other three are very well known, Ill Manors bring promoted along side all 3 make it seem more important even in pre-release, which enhances the promotion aspect. 

What hashtags are used on Instagram to promote the film? Is there consistency in branding/hashtags across social media? Why is this important?
#illmanors #truefilm and #rap. 
It is similar in all social media platforms, but particularly the SBTV channel as it is rap and hip hop based which is similar to some of the hashtags.

Find three images on Instagram tagged with Ill Manors that relate to other texts you have studied across the three platforms (such as the music video, TEDx lecture or a print interview). Explain the synergy between the texts.

This image is similar to the platform in the NME magazine as it features one of the main characters. This is important as they can generate publicity to their audiences by them realising who the character is. There is synergy as it both talks about the personal lives of the charcters, whereas most other platforms talk directly about the character life.

This image is similar to the platform of the TEDx talk as it features one of the main characters. This is important as they can generate publicity to their audiences by them realising who the character is and in particular this one talks about the music industry of Plan B which generated publicity, and synergy in platforms.  

This image holds synergy with the SBTV platform as it includes the same character of Marcel. This is important as the audience can identify the character realising it is the same person, as is connected to the film, especially if they are a brand loyal fan.


How was the planbuk YouTube channel used to promote the Ill Manors film?
The YouTube channel was used to promote the film as it was the home of all videos relating the film and the music; iLL Manors. Their YouTube page is filled with videos of Plan B's music and videos relating to his film. Uploading videos to YouTube is just another step to appealing to the ideal target audience of the film and is a beneficial way of raising awareness of the film.

Find examples of synergy or cross-promotion between the planbuk YouTube channel and other media texts you have studied as part of the case study. Explain how they both promote the film and appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.
The iLL Manors trailer and the music video suggest synergy with the DVD Extras that were included on the broadcast platform. They both follow a similar tone and feel and similar editing style. This helps audiences stay familiar with the content released under the same movie title and would show consistency.

What links to other social networking sites can you find on the planbuk channel homepage?
The YouTube channel offers links to an iTunes Plan B page, Twitter and Facebook and Soundcloud, as well as Google+ and the official Plan B website.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

ll Manors e-media: Tag London campaign

1.Summarise the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in 100 of your own words.
Fans were encouraged to tweet the hash-tag and say what they think about the current state of Britain to receive an exclusive sink peek of the tracks in ill manors before it was fully released. Nearly 300 of the 5,000 tweets revived within the 5 days were tagged by graffiti artists and projected around the city of London. The locations and images of these messages were then broadcast via the micro-site and Twitter users whose tweets had been tagged were messaged directly. With over 1.3k tweets on the day of realise compared to the previous week’s daily average of 220 tweets per day. To promote the album, Atlantic Records partnered with live stream production company LoveLive to deliver a live stream event of the album launch party to YouTube. The key objective of the campaign was to reflect the true nature of the album and mainly to connect with the fans. Twitter was the ideal platform to use for this campaign as it connected with the audience not just socially but politicly as well as they were able to voice their opinions about Britain today. 

2. How does the Ill Manors Tag London campaign help to promote the film?
The campaign helps to promote the film as it connected with the fans socially and politicly. Twitter users that follow Plan B or see it trending will read about it and may decide to take part, which therefore makes them want to listen to the album and watch the film. The fact that you get an excursive link to the tracks used in ill manors incises the audience and once they listen to the tracks they will then hopefully go onto watch the film. 

3. What synergy (links) can you find between the Tag London campaign and other texts you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study?
There is a link between the campaign and the broadcast platform, which both gives us an insight to Plan B's ideologies and beliefs. Also, there is a link between the print side and the campaign as there are social media links  on the for example posters and billboards, which takes you to the twitter campaign and therefore promotes the album and the film.

4. Why might user-generated campaigns like this be more successful than traditional media campaigns?
The audience are the people who pay to watch the film or listen to the album there this can be more effective then traditional campaigns. This is good because it allows us to have a base which isn't biased, and therefore we do not get false information.  Also, for low budget films like this it is cost effective as it is cheaper than traditional campaigns.  

5. Choose FIVE of the tweets above and for each one write what target audience the tweet could appeal to (demographics/psychographics) and then link the tweet to one other media text you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study (TEDx lecture, music video etc.) Justify your link for each tweet using examples from the film/promotional material.


This tweet would target urban youth demographic as it sounds like it has been written by someone that likes Plan Bs music and believes in what he stands for. This would appeal to reformers as it condemns the actions that the government outline in the UK, as they don't believe they speak the truth.


This tweet would target mainly the urban youth demographic as it is aiming to voice their feelings to the people higher up in the social system. This is particular with the word inclusion, which shows how they feel as part of their society, which is basically excluded. This is very similar to the Radio campaign we saw as Plan B explained how he was excluded in his past experiences. 


This tweet would target again the urban youth demographic as it allows the audience to voice their opinions surrounding the government. It would apeal to reforms and struggers as they would mainly be against the conservative government. 


Again, this would target urban youth culture and in terms of psychographics would appeal to the aspirers, main streamers and resigned as they want everybody who has this stereotypical impression of the youth to understand that they are not all evil.


This tweet would appeal to strugglers and reformers and again the youth demographic or people that are struggling generally. This tweet suggests that the government is all to blame as it states 'The Olympics will destroy London'.