Monday, 22 February 2016

BFI notes

Types of Cinemas

Arthouse cinema- Small independent cinemas 

Multiplex- Blockbuster and mainstream entertainment 

Crossover- nominations and award related films (prestige) 

Uses and Gratifications for national audience?

Information/Education: How do other British people live? What are issues affecting the UK? – People who are prestige and have authority

Social Interaction: ‘Crowd pleasers’ (social viewing), Oscar nominations (conversation point)

Personal Identification: National pride, solidarity, aspiration, glamorisation, reinforcing/rejecting values

Pure Entertainment: spectacle, escapism, adrenaline, (thriller/horror), catharsis (+emotional intensity)

Uses and Gratifications for US/international audience?

Information/Education: historical/literary figures, contemporary celebrities/royalty

Social Interaction: ‘Crowd pleasers’ (social viewing), Oscar nominations (conversation point)

Personal Identification: solidarity with subcultures/marginalised groups rarely represented in mainstream cinema

Pure entertainment: spectacle, escapism, adrenaline (thriller/horror), catharsis (+emotional intensity)

Film Examples

‘Franchise’: Kingsman: The Secret Service – Mix of arthouse, mainstream and prestige

A UK audience would like the entertainment and elite it has throughout the movie.

A US/international audience would like the patriotic representation and the adrenaline rush, thestereotypical shots, the violence, social realism and the plot.

'Heritage': A Royal Night Out – is nostalgic ‘rose tinted’  - prestige

Heritage focuses on: UK film used tourist marketing strategy (for foreign audiences)
Relationship with the past is not questioned or criticised.

A UK audience would like the history and meritocracy which is presented.

A US/international audience would like the information and knowledge provided the class difference as it is only presented in the UK which will reinforce the dominant stereotype and also the knowing and interests in the monarch.

‘Social Realism’: The Selfish Giant
: an arthouse film
Social realism focuses on: Working or 'underclass' characters, Dark side of human behaviour, Seen to be the opposite of heritage cinema, Challenges audiences comfort zones- harsh reality of modern Britain 
A UK audience would like how an alternative stereotype of a teenager lives in the UK, the relation with the theme, the emotional intensity provided.
A US/international audience would like how social class is presented and how lower/working class children live and work.
Horror: The Woman in Blackmultiplex/arthouse

Horror focuses on: The offered costume dramas, tradition of gothic theme and the US horror had stricter censorship towards this genre of film (preferred family films) 

A UK audience would like Daniel Radcliff as protagonist as he is well known from the Harry Potter franchise which is successful globally, it is based and set in England, and it follows inspiration from a British book/novel, a traditional British feel for horror, and links to Edwardian period based clothing

A US/international audience would like how it is a popular novel and stage performance 

'Urban Fairy-tale' Rom-Com: One Day
an arthouse film

  • Romantic Comedy 
  • Typical love story (based)
  • Set in contemporary London - Lots of tourist landmarks; Middle class neighbourhoods 
  • Vision of urban life
What would a UK audience like about this film?
  • Location/setting 
  • British landmarks 
What would a US/International audience like about this film?

  • Sexual reference/theme
  • Comedy
  • Couple drama

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