Sunday, 31 January 2016

Ill Manors broadcast: music video analysis

Media Forms
How is it typical of a music video? 

The conventions included in Plan B's music video all include the ones that we would naturally associate with an average music video. These include things like fast pace editing and beat matching, which create audience interest. The fast pace also enhances the fast judgement that society have on these young individuals. In this particular video, a real life situation takes place which is very symbolic as the same thing happens in his music video. Despite this, the acting isn't fooling around as they also use the London Riots to accentuate their points.The artist being the main protagonist is also another typical feature of a music video, in this case Plan B, who we see most of in the video. Some of the characters in the movie also appear and make cameos in the movie, which in turn promotes the movie even further. The music video is used to give out a strong message about youths that live on council estates, which is shown by the potent lyrics that are said in the video. This almost gives it an element of a someone, Plan B in this case, telling the audience a story through his words and how they link with in what is going on in the video. The use of direct address is very powerful within this video, as a viewer, we are more engaged within a video if we feel as though we are directly spoken to, which makes the video all the more powerful and all the more captivating. The scenes which are featured in the video match the representations that are made by the lyrics of the song. London is shown as being very dark and sometimes cruel, which represents people that live in London in a alternative stereotype. It does not show London as being a rich, capitalist city, which is normally represented. This may have been done intentionally, to maybe emphasise Plan B's feelings and views towards the lower-classes.

Media Representations
How does it represent the London riots/rioters?

It represents the London Rioters as troubled and excessively threatening which consequently may cause the image of Londoners to be of the same representation. This negative representation of London challenges the typical representation of London being a cultured wealthy city. It also shows an alternative representation of the police as they are seen as violent and aggressive and shows the London police to be corrupted and therefore supports Perkins idea that stereotypes can be changed. However you could say that because the rioters are all seen as young people, which again produces a negative representation of young people and therefore confirms the stereotype that young people are rebels and violent. This therefore reinforces the stereotype that young people are dangerous. This also supports Medhursts' theory as the audience can immediately link the idea of youths to the riots. The mise-en-scene shows most of the people wearing tracsuits and hoodies which therefore represents costume in a negative way as audience members would confirm the stereotype that young people in a hood are dangerous.  The way in which the rioters act was intentionally in order to make a point and to fight for what they believed in. the damaging of cars, the smoking and the fires show that they have no 'manors', and therefore holds a connection with the name of the song: 'Ill Manors'. It also conveys the fright that that Britain's citizens felt when they saw what was occurring, as innocent people were being endangered due to the misjudgements of the politicians and British government.

Media Audiences
What audience pleasures does the music video offer?

The video may offer audience pleasures in the scenes where the police are conveyed to be inferior and less powerful than the youth. As the basic idea of teenagers disliking police and the immense hatred towards them for many factors such as stereotyping and racism; there are scenes in which the police are outnumbered and are seen less dominant. These scenes would be entertaining to the younger audiences of the video as it shows some sort of pattern towards similar ages and youth hating on the local authority. The scenes in which the police are attacked would play a large role in offering audience pleasure and humour in the audience's perspective. Some audiences, in particular the older generation or people from much wealthier backgrounds, would use it for educational purposes as this acts as poverty tourism and teaches people what is really like to be part of the youth culture that is in deprived areas of London. However, some audience members would watch the video simply because they like Plan B as an artist and like the way his music sounds and would therefore use it for pleasure rather than for educational purposes

Media Institutions
How does the music video help to promote the film?

The video helps promote the film through the same name. Likewise, the shorthand for identification (Medhurst) accentuates the scenes that may occur in the film. This promotes the film as for the people who have been through the riots would want to see how they have been represented as, and whether their stereotype is being subverted or reinforced. Also, the fact that the characters make appearances/cameos in the music video promotes the film as well. The fact that the soundtrack is used both in the film and in the trailer helps it promote each other, which links with the idea of synergy and cross promotion.  Moreover the fact that Plan B himself is directing the film and appears in both the trailer and the film, which he plays the soundtrack to in both, again cross promotes itself as fans of Plan Bs music, once hearing his album, would then go watch the movie. This would be the same for film lovers as audience members may see the film first being promoted on Twitter, Instagram and other social networking platforms and would therefore find about the music video.

iLL Manors Track and Soundtrack Album Research:

iLL Manors (album) is a soundtrack recorded by Ben Drew, also known as the music persona: Ben Drew. The album was released in 2012, under the label Warner Bros UK. The album was produced by Plan B himself and Al Shux, a songwriter from London who has worked with artists such as Jay Z and Lana Del Ray. The album is mainly a hip-hop and rap styled genre, but features a collection of grime and electronica, which ultimately adds variation and flair to Plan B's song style.

iLL Manors reached number on the UK album charts and was also nominated for the Mercury Prize. The iLL Manors track was the most popular track on the album; it sold nearly 38,000 copies in the first week of release. The iLL Manors track was released under 679 Records and Atlantic Records. The single is based on the 2011 London Riots and was hugely successful in comparison to the film and the accompanying songs on the rest of the iLL Manors album. The single received many positive reviews and reached number 6 on the UK Singles chart.

Both the iLL Manors album and the single received many positive reviews from a variety of critics.

MetaCritic, an online website which reviews forms of entertainment such as TV, films and games gave the iLL Manors album a rating of 84/100. It was highly positive from their listeners and was an enjoyable and a brilliant album which conveys deep though and passionate opinions.

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